Ireen Del Mundo Hernandez


Ireen, I don't have any real diamonds right now, so I decided to make some for you. I hope these 9 differently colored diamonds will be the 9 reasons for you to say yes to this question. Please take your time to enjoy each image and the words that they represent.

So here it is: Will you marry me?

Seth Eden Haas Hollingsead

 Blue for the depths of our love


Red for the passion of our love


Green for the flourishing of our love


Yellow for the fire of our love


Purple for the honesty of our love


Cyan for the truth of our love


Black for the death we face together because of our love


Crystal clear for the purity of our love


All colors for the combination of all these things representing the diversity in our love


And this is the best I can do. <grin> I hope you like it. Write me an answer when you feel like it, and please describe if you will your thoughts, feelings, emotions, and the things your friends say so I can experience the impact of this as well. <wink wink>

With all my love: Seth Hollingsead

And Her Response WAS.......


She said: YES!!!!

Date is set for: Sunday Jan 14 2007

Location: Manila